鋼の錬金術師 FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST Original Soundtrack 3
7 июля 2010
- レイン
- Knives and Shadows
- March of the Moving Dolls
- Crime and Punishment
- Ante Meridiem
- Consonance
- The Intrepid
- Tribute to W.C.I
- The Forbearer
- Envy Revealed ~Adagio~
- Laws of Alchemy ~Instrumental~
- Heroic Bolero
- A Soldier's Honor
- Amestris Military March
- The Pendulum
- The Day the Sun Disappeared
- Dissident's Creed
- In the Fray
- Lapis Philosophorum ~Chant~
- Violoncellos's Lament
- Sorrowful Stone
- Main Theme ~The Alchemist~
- The Awakening
- Philosophorum Omega
- Nightfall in Central City ~Fin~
- Epilogue ~A New Journey~
- Main Theme ~Homage to Alchemy~
- Trisha's Lullaby ~A Reminiscence~
- Resembool's Lullaby