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Michael Jackson and the Stars — We Are The World (USA For Africa)
We Are The World — There comes a time when we heed a certain call When the world must come
Blutengel — ✠We are the children✠
Michael Jackson — We are the world, we are the children We are the ones who make a
Rina Lermann — We are the children of hellish ground
♫ Justin Bieber feat Nicole Sherzinger,Michael and Jannet Jackson, Miley Curys, Usher, Pink, Enrique Iglesias, Kanye West, — We Are The World (2010) Прочитайте текст песни)
Michael Jackson & Friends — We Are the World минус без бэк вокала
★ Justin Bieber feat Nicole Scherzinger, Miley Curys, Usher, Pink, Enrique Iglesias,Akon, Kanye West, Lil Wayne, Jennifer — We Are The World (2010) Haiti
Лучано Паваротти,Рэй Чарльз,Джо Кокер,Элтон Джон, Боб Дилан, Майкл Джексон, Билли Джоэл, Лайонел Ричи, Стиви Уандер,Тина Тернер, Стив Перри — We Are The World