Priča o Vasi Ladačkom (исполнитель: Đorđe Balašević)
Znate l' priču o Vasi Ladačkom? I ja sam je tek onomad čuo. Do you know the story of Vasa Ladachki (it's a name). I heard it just a while ago Jednom devet dana nije izlazio iz birtije, kažu da je bio čudna sorta... Once he [bad word] out of tavern for 9 days,he is said to be of a strange kind Otac mu je bio sitni paor, 'ranio je sedam gladnih usti'. His father was [bad word] , 'he fed 7 hungry mouths'. Mati mu je bila plava, tiha, nežna, jektičava, His mother was blond,quiet,gentle, febrile umrla je s trideset i nešto... She died in hers 30-es... Imali su par jutara zemlje, malu kuću na kraju sokaka. They had a couple of acres of land,little house at the end of alley Na astalu navek hleba, taman tol'ko kol'ko treba, On the table there's "always" bread,just as much as it was needed al' je Vasa hteo mnogo više... But Vasa wanted much more... Želeo je konje vrane, po livadi razigrane, He wanted "good" horses on the field playfuled sat sa zlatnim lancem i salaše... he wanted a golden watch and granges... Želeo je njive plodne, vinograde blagorodne, he wanted productive fields,rich vineyards u [bad word] pregnute čilase, ali nije mog'o da ih ima. grey horse with gear, but he couldn't have them Voleo je lepu al' sirotu, uz'o bi je, samo da je znao: He loved a beautiful but poor lady,he would "take" her only if he had known: voleš jednom u životu, sad bogatu il' sirotu, youy love only once in your life,rich or poor one, to ne bira pamet nego srce... it doesn't choose your mind,it does you heart... Sve se nad'o da će ljubav proći. Zanavek je otiš'o iz sela. He hoped love will fade.He went from that town forever Nikad nije pis'o nikom, venč'o se sa miraždžikom, He didn't ever write to anybody,he got married with the "rich girl" [bad word] ćerkom nekog gazde... the only daughter of some "boss"... Dobio je konje vrane, po livadi razigrane, He got "good" horses on the field playfuled sat sa zlatnim lancem i salaše... golden watch and granges Dobio je njive plodne, vinograde blagorodne, he got productive fields,rich vineyards u [bad word] pregnute čilase, sve je im'o ništa im'o nije. ???????????????????????.ha had it all,but he had nothing Propio se, nije proslo mnogo, dušu svoju Đavolu je prod'o He got [bad word] it didn't pass much time,he sold his soul to the devil Znali su ga svi birtaši, tražio je spas u čaši, he is known to all [bad word] he searched the salvation in the glas ali nije mog'o da ga nađe... but he couldn't find it... Mlad je, kažu, bio i kad je umro, sred birtije, od srčane kapi. He was young,they say,when he died,at the centerof tavern,of a heart attack Klonula mu samo glava, k'o da drema, k'o da spava his head fainted,like he's nappying,like he's sleeping i još pamte šta je zadnje rek'o... and they still remember his last words... Džaba bilo konja vranih, po livadi razigranih, It's not worth of "good" horses on the field playfuled, džaba bilo sata i salaša... it's not worth of golden watch and granges... Džaba bilo njiva plodnih, vinograda blagorodnih, it's not worth of productive fields,rich vineyards džaba bilo [bad word] čilaša... it's not worth of ????????????.... Kada nisam s onom koju volem, When I'm not with one that I love, kada nisam s onom koju volem. when I'm not with one that I love Kad ja nisam s onom koju volem, when I'm not with one that I love E, kad nisam s onom koju volem. Oh,when I'm not with one that I lov