Glory Road (исполнитель: チーム箱根学園(福富寿一、真波山岳、東堂尽八、新開隼人、荒北靖友)
瞳 閉じれば 見える光がある When I close my eyes, I can see a light 残像を追いかけ Chasing afterimages 疾風(かぜ)に飛び込んでく We plunge into the gale この世界にひとつだけの In this world, there is only one 栄光欲しいものはそれだけ Glory; that is all I want 静かな情熱 誰にも見せずに Without showing to anyone my quiet passion プライド 握りしめる I clench my fist tightly on my pride Step up, Step up, Day by Day! 痺れるほどの駆け引き battle that’s enough to numb the muscles Break down, Break down, Get my dream! 心が震えるほど Until it shakes even my heart, ”夢を掴み取れ”と叫ぶ I scream out “grab the dream” 磨き抜かれた Burn up the soul 魂 燃やして 踏み出せ That’s been polished end to end and step forth 青い空に散る Until the light scattered in the blue sky 光が疾風にとけてくまで Melts into the gale 仰げば遠く 遥か高みへと Look up to the far, distant point ahead 全力で走れ [bad word] with all of your strength 果てしなく続く Glory Road On the continuous, endless Glory Road 積み重ねた季節の数だけは Only the number of seasons that you accumulate as they pass 裏切ることはないから Will never betray you ”自分を信じ抜く”それだけでいい “Believe in yourself through and through,” that alone is enough 力の限り 踏み込め Keep going to the fullest extent of your strength Step up, Step up, Day by Day! 勝負を仕留める瞬間 The moment you win the fight Break down, Break down, Get my dream! たまらなく”生きてる”と You feel so hopelessly alive 心が熱いほど 叫ぶ That your heart screams out in ferocity 鍛え抜かれた Keep the soul 魂のまま 突き進め That you have disciplined end to end and plunge on 頬に刻まれた The roads carved on your cheeks 道はいつかの涙だろう Were made by tears of the past 強い意志で駆け抜けてゆくさ [bad word] on with a strong will まだゆけるはず You can still go on もっと もっと もっと ずっと 遠くへ Further, further, further, far ahead 昂ぶった感情と衝動を Take the bundle of high emotions and impulses 推進力に変換して And transform them into a driving force 踏み込んで 廻すんだ Step in and keep turning 栄光に続く あの高みまで Until you reach that distant point ahead where glory awaits 磨き抜かれた Burn up the soul 魂 燃やして 踏み出せ That’s been polished end to end and step forth 青い空に散る Until the light scattered in the blue sky 光が疾風にとけてくまで Melts into the gale 仰げば遠く 遥か高みへと Look up to the far, distant point ahead 全力で走れ [bad word] with all of your strength 果てしなく続く Glory Road On the continuous, endless Glory Road