A Place in the Sun -- Franz Waxman (исполнитель: Оскар 1952 (Music Score of a Dramatic or Comedy)
01. Main Tilte 02. The Check; New Suit 03. Working 04. Angela 05. The Dance 06. The Dance (rewrite) 07. Doctor's Office 08. Angela Arriver 09. Angela Arrives (rewrite) 10. Swimming 11. Picture in the Newspaper 12. Closed for Labor Day 13. The Lake 14. Rowing Out 15. Tension 16. The Darkness 17. The Drowning 18. Return to Angela 19. The Gang 20. Peace in the Car 21. Farewell and Pursiut 22. Farewell (rewrite) 23. Angela Faints 24. Angela alone 25. The Jury 26. Finale