SC-the 12 days of Xmas (исполнитель: Blizzard)
Arbiter: (singing) On the twelfth day of Christmas, Blizzard gave to me: Twelve Arbiters, Science Vessel: (singing) Eleven Science Vessels, Ultralisk: (singing) Ten Ultralisks, [bad word] (singing) Nine [bad word] Archon: (singing) Eight Archons Burning; Power Overwhelming; Terror All Consuming; I hate all this singing; Eight Archons Burning Zergling: (singing) Seven zerglings swarming, Zealot: (singing) Six zealots fighting, Queen: (singing) Five newborn queens! Hydralisk: (singing) Four hydralisks, Marine: (singing) Three marines, Wraith: (singing) Two Terran wraiths, SCV: (singing) ...and a brand new SCV! All: Whoo! Wraith Pilot: Why am I so jolly? Marine: Hey, who spiked the egg nog? -(from the StarCraft Map of the Month "The Twelve Days of StarCraft", December 23, 1999)