Jesus Christus nostra salus (Piæ Cantiones) (исполнитель: Joculatores Upsalienses)
Jesus Christus, nostra salus, quod reclamat omnis malus, nobis in sui memoriam dedit in panis hostiam. O quam sanctus panis iste, tu solus es, Jesu Christe, panis cibus sacramentum, quo nunquam majus inventum. Hoc donum suavitatis caritasque deitatis, virtus et [bad word] gracia. Ave deitatis forma, Dei unitas norma, in te quisque delectatur, qui te fide speculatur. Non est panis, sed es Deus homo liberator reus, qui in [bad word] pependisti et in carne deficisti. Non augetur consecratus, nec consumptus fit mutatus, nec divisus in fractura, plenus Deus in statura. Esca digna [bad word] pietatis lux [bad word] lex [bad word] quod antiqua figuravit. Salutare medicamen, [bad word] relevamen, pasce nos, a malis leva, duc post ubi est lux ewa. Ath quam magna tu fecisti, dum te Christe impensisti, panis et vini specie apparentum in facie. Caro cibus, sanguis vinum, est mysterium divinum. Huic sit laus et gloria in [bad word] saecula. Christ Jesus, our Redeemer born, Who from us did God’s anger turn, Through His sufferings sore and main, Did help us all out of [bad word] pain. That we never should forget it, Gave He us His flesh, to eat it, Hid in poor bread, gift divine, And, to drink, His blood in the wine. Who will draw near to that table Must take heed, all he is able. Who unworthy thither goes, Thence death instead of life he knows. God the Father praise thou duly, That He thee would feed so [bad word] And for ill deeds by thee done Up unto death has given His Son. Have this faith, and do not waver, ’Tis a fool for every craver Who, his heart with sin opprest, Can no more for its anguish rest. Such kindness and such grace to get, Seeks a heart with agony great. Is it well with thee? take care, Lest at last thou shouldst evil fare. He doth [bad word] hither, O ye Poor, that I may pity show ye. No physician th’ whole man will, He makes a mockery of his skill. Hadst thou any claim to proffer, Why for thee then should I suffer? This table is not for thee, If thou wilt set thine own self free. If such faith thy heart possesses, And the same thy mouth confesses, Fit guest then thou art indeed, And so the food thy soul will feed. But bear [bad word] or lose thy labour: Take thou heed thou love thy neighbour; That thou food to him mayst be, As thy God makes Himself to thee.