Zhen Xin Ying Xiong (исполнитель: 15. Сhinese singers vs Jackie Chan)
周:在我心中 曾经有一个梦 Emil: zai wo xin zhong zeng jing you yi ge meng Emil: In my heart there was once a dream 要用歌声让你忘了所有的痛 yao yong ge sheng rang ni wang le suo you de tong to use songs to make you forget all your pain 成:灿烂星空 谁是真的英雄 Jackie: cheng can lan xing kong shei shi zhen de ying xiong Jackie: Among the starry skies, who is the [bad word] hero 平凡的人们给我最多感动 ping fan de ren men ji wo zui duo gan [bad word] people move me the most 黄:再没有恨 也没有了痛 Anthony: zai mei you hen ye mei you le tong Anthony: No more hate, and no more pain 但愿人间处处都有爱的影踪 dan yuan ren jian chu chu dou you ai de ying zong May there be traces of love in every part of our life 李:用我们的歌 换你真心笑容 Jonathan: rong wo men de ge huan ni zhen xin xiao rong Jonathan: Using our song to exchange for your [bad word] smiles 祝福你的人生从此与众不同 zhu fu ni de ren sheng cong ci yu zhong bu tong Wishing the best for you, may your life be unique 把握生命里的每一分钟 ba wo sheng ming li de mei yi fen zhong take charge of life’s every second 全力以赴我们心中的梦 quan li yi fu wo men xin zhong de meng do our best to work towards our dreams 不经历风雨 怎么见彩虹 bu jing li feng yu zen me jian cai hong without wind and rain, how would we see the rainbow 没有人能随随便便成功 mei you ren neng sui sui bian bian cheng gong nobody could succeed just by being lacksadaisical * 把握生命里每一次感动 ba wo sheng ming li mei yi ci gan dong take charge of life’s every second 和心爱的朋友热情相拥 he xin ai de peng you re qing xiang yong with your best loved friends, get along well and hug # 让真心的话 和开心的泪 rang zhen xin de hua he kai xin de lei may the [bad word] words and happy tears 在你我的心里流动 zai ni wo xin li liu dong move in your and my heart Repeat once, * # , #