Cut The Ties & Shilo Turns Against Rotti (Repo! The Genetic Opera OST) (исполнитель: Darren Smith & Terrance Zdunich)
[Rotti] Your mother once promised her love to me. Had she never fled, you'd be mine. Deny your father now For the world to see! Kill him! [Luigi] Kill him! [Shilo] No! [Rotti] And I leave you GeneCo! [Luigi] What!? [Pavi] All of it? [Rotti] Oh, yes! [Pavi] Oh, no! [Rotti] So, witness it people! All I have to do is sign the paper! All you have to do is pull the trigger! [Luigi] Don't leave it to her! Leave it to me! [Pavi] Leave it to me! Don't leave it to her! [Shilo] You want to pay me to kill my father? Kill my father!? You want me to kill! [Nathan] Shilo! Shilo! [Rotti] I want you to do what is right! This man killed your mother, your mother! He betrayed you both, he's a liar! And he poisoned you! ______________________________________ [Shilo] I am not a murderer! [Rotti] But you share your dad's genetics! What if he passed this to you? [Shilo] I don't have to share his choices. [Rotti] Didn't you say you were infected, didn't you? Didn't you? [Nathan] I poisoned you, I'm worse than Rotti... Imprisoned you, I couldn't lose you! What have I done? Forgive me Shilo, I [bad word] your blood, Oh God, what have I done to you? [Shilo] You used my mother's death to use my father, You used my father's debt to use me too! [Rotti] Your dad deserved whatever happened to him! He needed me, and so do you! [bad word] I remember! [Nathan] Remember my mistakes, Remember you can change, Remember that I love you! I'm sorry that I failed you! Remember that it's up to you... To go and shape your life into One that's worth of remembering.... [Shilo] No!