The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Original Sound Tracks (жанры:soundtrack, japanese)
- Hyrule Castle
- Sealed Hyrule Castle
- Get Master Sword
- Phantom Ganon
- Aryll's Rescue 1
- The Tower of Forsaken Fortress
- Helmaroc King Appears
- Helmaroc King
- Ganondorf On Forsaken Fortress
- The Miracle Stone Shows One's True Nature
- Hyrule King Appears
- Zelda's Awakening
- Princess Zelda's Theme
- Ballad of Gales
- Fairy Spring
- The Fairy Queen
- Dungeon
- Earth God's Lyric
- Sage Laruto
- Earth Temple
- Jalhalla Appears
- Jalhalla
- Medli's Prayer
- Wind God's Aria
- Sage Fado
- Menu Selection
- The Legendary Hero
- Outset Island
- Inside A House
- Grandpa's House
- Fencing Instruction
- Beedle's Shop