Zelda: The Music (жанры:electronic)
- Disk System Theme
- The Legend of Zelda: Underground BGM
- The Legend of Zelda: Death Mountain BGM
- The Legend of Zelda: Game Over
- The Legend of Zelda: Flute
- The Legend of Zelda: Ganon's Appearance and Defeat Fanfare
- The Legend of Zelda: Zelda Rescued Fanfare
- The Legend of Zelda: Ending Theme
- Link's Adventure: Title BGM
- Link's Adventure: Indoors BGM
- Link's Adventure: Boss
- Link's Adventure: Level Up
- Link's Adventure: Game Over
- Link's Adventure: Great Temple
- Link's Adventure: Fanfare
- Link's Adventure: Princess Zelda
- Link's Adventure: Ending
- A Link to the Past: Title