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Monster Magnet — Live For The Moment (WWE - Matt Hardy)
Rachael Lampa — Live for You (2011)
Monster Magnet — Live For The Moment - WWE Matt Hardy entrance theme
I would try for you. Try to walk you through.I would fight for you.To prove that I am true... — Let me break!Let me break you down, for your sake.I will break you down.
Pixie Lott — Live for the moment [OST Уличные танцы 3D]
[08] Dub Fx [Live Onda Streets Of Europe (2008)] — Sooth Your Pain (Live In Amsterdam)
Monster Magnet — Live For The Moment (WWE - Matt Hardy)
Bon Jovi. One Wild Night Live 1985-2001. — Something For The Pain (November 10, 1995 / Melbourne, Australia)
Enrique Iglesias Hero I can be your hero, baby. I can kiss away the pain. I will stand by you forever. You can take my breath aw — Hero & Escape (Live @ World Music Awards 2002)
Dub Fx - Sooth Your Pain (Live In Amsterdam) — Now u're leaving aside my dreams, ur silhouette is enough for me... if you