Найдено 300 ответов (отображены 291 - 300)
Джо Кокер, Селин Дион, Мэрайа — [Justin Bieber] There comes a time When we heed a certain call
Sam Alexander and Michael Jackson — The Memory Megamix (TeaserShort Version)
25 Years for Haiti — We Are The World (английский "Замыкая круг")
Lil Wayne, Kanye West, Wycleaf Jean, LL Cool J, Jennifer Hudson, Trey Songz, Drake, Barbra Streisand, Toni Braxton, Snoop Dogg, — We Are The World (25 For Haiti)
Justin Bieber, Lil wayne, Celine Dion, Akon, T-pain, Nicole Scherzinger, Jeniffer Hudson, Jeniffer Nettles, Josh Groban,Tony Ben — We Are The World (2010)
Миру Мир !!! — We Are The World