Найдено 300 ответов (отображены 31 - 40)
Michael Buble - I want to go home — Another summer day Is come and gone away In Paris and Rome But I wanna
There are many things that I would like to say to you — But I don't know how...
So i keep on driving — im upset but i keep on smiling
Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling and everytime — Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why, without you it's hard to survive!..
♫ I wanna love you ♫ — but I don't know if I can
•●I just need one more kiss, one more touch I just can't get enough of you But I'm in a rush I got to fly away — Planes waiting up for me right at gate twenty-three There's a doorway to my dreams I could go or I could stay Should I change my life or miss my flight? •●
I don't know when I don't know how But I know something's — Watch and you'll see Some day I'll be Part of your world
Michael Bolton- Said I loved you, but I lied cause — Michael Bolton - Said I loved you