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Brothers Conti - Automatic (OST Дом восковых фигур) — I put on my white dancing shoes, I know that I'm a handsome dude, But you are more than beautiful, yeah So why is it that I deserve, A women flyer than a bird, So automatic is unheard of, (It's automatic) The way you move your body babe It drives
Bye Bye Birdie — Put On A Happy Face
Michael Crawford & Barbra Streisand — Put On Your Sunday Clothes (Wall-e OST)
•••Christopher Wilde(Sterling Knight) & Stubby•••-Shades••• — Pull up in my spot looking hot everybody knows Don't got no stress in my head cause stress dont fly in my fancy clothes Yeah, they want to take my picture Watch out those lights'll get ya And they're calling your name That's where I put on
Kanye West ft. Young Jeezy — I Put On For My City
чем занимаешься? — Put On Your Sunday Clothes (из м/ф "ВАЛЛИ")
Abrams Feat. Angel Mickel — Put On (cover)
Lil John,ROy Jones,50 cent,Lil Wayne,Eminem,Ice Cube,Snoop — put on
OST-Michael Crawford — Put On Your Sunday Clothes (Валли)