Найдено 300 ответов (отображены 51 - 60)
Nothing else can replace her — How do I go all the way I am?
I love you more than life — Baby, tell me how can I tell you, that I love you more than life?!
I`m not quite sure how to breathe without here...i`m not quite sure if i`m ready to say goodbye to all we were...be wi — [...my hand searches for your hand in a dark room...i can`t find you....help me...are you looking for me....can i feel anymore?...lie to me...i`m fading...]
═₪═F O R T R A I N I N G ═₪&# — Everywhere I Go (Castle Renholdёr Mix)
B r e a k b o t . f e a t . I r f a n e — Baby I"m Yours . ☁ ☂
B r e a k b o t . f e a t . I r f a n e — Baby I"m Yours . ☁ ☂
I can't go any further then this.. I want you so badly, — Meet me halfway, right at the boarderline.. That's where i'm gonna wait, for you..
Teach In - I'm alone — Teach In - I'm alone
Joy Williams — What Can I Do (But Love You)