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C.C. Catch — If I Feel Love
Любэ. Николай Расторгуев — 07. If I Feel
Любэ(The Beatles cover) — If I Feel (The Beatles cover)
If I could shrink it down and put it in your hands We made it hurt so much, I can't forget the past Just tell me what to say — If I could shrink it down and put it in your hands We made it hurt so much, I can't forget the past Just tell me what to say, show me what to do Then I can forgive me and I would forgive you
I`m not quite sure how to breathe without here...i`m not quite sure if i`m ready to say goodbye to all we were...be wi — [...my hand searches for your hand in a dark room...i can`t find you....help me...are you looking for me....can i feel anymore?...lie to me...i`m fading...]
Blaxy Girls – FOR YOU... If you feel my love, if you wanna — If you feel my love - If You Feel My Love Lyrics If you wanna lie to me If you'll ever see yourself Don't come back and cry for me 'Cause you've gone too far If you wanna lie to me If you'll ever see yourself Don't come back and c
If I could shrink it down and put it in your hands — If I could shrink it down and put it in your hands We made it
Beyoncé If I were a boy Even just for a day — If I Were A BoyIf I were a boy Even just for a day
I Feel Like A Monster (Ночной Сумрак) — I Feel Like A Monster (Ночной Сумрак)