Найдено 300 ответов (отображены 1 - 10)
bank clash — Love me, Touch me, Kiss me
Enigma- Touchness — touch and kiss me Up and down.....
Lou Grant — Take Me High All Days
Everytime you touch me I become a hero... I'll make you safe No matter where you are — Anything you ask for - Nothing is above me... I'm shining like a candle in the dark When You Tell Me That You Love Me
Touch and Go - Straight to number 1 — Ten, kiss me on the lips
Alicia Keys - So every time you hold me, Hold me like this is the last time, Every time you kiss me, Kiss me like you'll — Every time you touch me, Touch me like this is the last time, Promise that you'll love me, Love me LIKE YOU'LL NEVER SEE ME AGAIN....