Gençlik Marşı (исполнитель: Grup Yorum)
"Марш молодёжи" We, who have standed against the 6th fleet and shouted our slogans of independence We, who have united with all the classes of society in the glorious days of june We are the youth and we are fighting against imperialism We, the youth, the worker, student, villager fighting until victory We have taken a step to fight having bravery and belief and aimed for the bright futures Braking the occupies in schools, factories, country sides We are youth and fighting against fascism We'll keep fighting until it drowns under the blood it caused itself We have standed up and roared on the april resistance, and we are after our fight Our rising voice is for free futures We are the youth and fighting against oligarchi And we will keep fighting with the alongside of public until the day of liberation