Sri Rupa Manjari (исполнитель: Vayasaki Das - The Turning Point)
(F#m, E) s'ri-rûpa-manjari-pada, sei mora sampada, The lotus feet of S'ri Rûpa Manjari are my treasure, (/ F#m) sei mor bhajana-pûjana R they are my devotion and service, (F#m, E) sei mora prâna-dhana, sei mora âbharana, they are my wealth and the meaning of my life - (/ F#m) sei mor jivanera jivana R they are the life of my life. (D, A) (F#m, E) sei mora rasa-nidhi, sei mora vânchâ-siddhi, They are the perfection of rasa, they are perfection worthy to attain (/ F#m) sei mor vedera dharama R They are the very law of the Vedas for me. (F#m, E) sei brata, se-i tapa, sei mora mantra-japa, of my vows and penances, they are the mantras of my praying. (/ F#m) sei mor dharama-karama R They are the religion, my activities. * (D, ma7 F#m) (3) (F#m, E) anukûla habe vidhi, se-pade hoibe siddhi, purified, following [bad word] one will attain perfection (/ F#m) nirakhibo e dui nayane R these two eyes thus may see (F#m, E) se rûpa-mâdhuri-râs'i, prâna-kuvala-ya-s'as'i, like moonlight his form in my heart, my heart shines in return. (/ F#m) praphullita habe nis'i-dine R not just at night, but all day. (D, A) (F#m, E) tuwâ adars'ana-ahi, garale jâ-ralo dehi, Your absence from my vision, is like a dose of strong poison, (/ F#m) ciro-dina tâpita jivana R and I will suffer till the end of my life (F#m, E) hâ hâ rûpa koro doyâ, deho more pada-châyâ, "Please give me your mercy and the shade of your lotus feet." (/ F#m) narottama loilo s'arana R that's what Narottama says.