Lilium (TV Size) (исполнитель: Kumiko Noma)
Os iusti meditabitur sapientiam, *The mouth of the just shall meditate winsdom, Et lingua eius loquetur indicium. *And his tongue shall speak judgement. Beatus vir qui suffert tentationem, *Blessed is the man who endures temptation, Quoniqm [bad word] probates fuerit accipient coronam vitae. *For, once he has been tried he shal recieve the crown of life. Kyrie, ignis divine, eleison. *Oh Lord, oh Holy Fire, have mercy... O quam sancta, *Oh how sacred, Quam serena *How serene, Quam benigma *How benevolent, Quam amoena *How lovely... O castitatis lilium. *Oh lily of purity.