Virga ac diadema (исполнитель: Garmarna)
O virga ac diadema purpure regis, que es in clausura tua sicut lorica: Tu frondens [bad word] in alia vicissitudine quam Adam omne genus humanum produceret. Ave, ave de tuo ventre alia vita processit qua Adam filios suos denudaverat. O flos, tu non germinasti de rore nec de guttis pluvie, nec aer desuper to volavit, sed divina claritas in nobilissima virga te produxit. _________________________________ Praise for the Mother O branch and diadem of the kings purple, you who are in your enclosure like a breastplate: Burgeoning, you blossomed after another fashion than Adam gave rise to the whole human race. Hail hail from your womb came another life of which Adam had stripped his sons. O flower, you did not spring from tew nor from drops of rain nor did the air fly over you but the divine radiance