Maliganska (исполнитель: Djordje Balasevic)
Život baš i nije bog zna šta... Al za svaki slučaj uvek uzmem šta mi da: Frtalj leba... Metar neba... I pun šešir sna... Al Đavo gleda da i njemu bude fino... Pa katkad sav taj džumbus umoči u vino... Dajte mi vino, vino nek se toči... Dok traju dani... naročito noći... Jer tu je tuga... Ta moja verna [bad word] .. kad je tuga onda treba da se cuga... Dajte mi vino... Ja nemam [bad word] želja... Ni bližeg roda... Ni boljih prijatelja... Jer tu je tuga... Ta moja crna kuga... kad je tuga onda mora da se cuga... Sreću sam [bad word] izvrto... S vrha brda svaka staza vodi nizbrdo... Malo ko je, čedo moje, tome izvrdo... Ali kad cugnem, ja lakše misli sredim... Znam, tu sam di sam... Al bar se manje jedim... Dajte mi vino, vino nek se toči... S jeseni, kad bagrem opadne... Potera me maler... Štagod počnem propadne... Još mi se, u inat, Ta Što Ne Sme dopadne... E, stara rana se vida starim lekom... Dabome vinom... Ta ne bi valjda mlekom? Life isn’t much… But, just in case, I take all it gives me: piece of bread... part of sky.. And a hat filled with dreams.. But the Devil also wants its share... Thus, it sometimes dips all that mess into the wine.. Gimme some wine, pour the wine into glasses.. As long as days last… and especially during nights.. Because, the sorrow is here.. it’s my [bad word] And when there’s sorrow, one needs drinks… Gimme some wine.. I wish for nothing more.. Not for a relative.. nor for better friends... Because, the sorrow is here.. that black plague of mine... And when there’s sorrow, one needs drinks… I’ve been twisting the luck like a sleeve… All paths from uphill always go down.. Not many have, my little one, avoided that… But with a drink, it is easier to clear my thoughts I know where I stand.. And at least, I get upset much less.. Gimme some wine... In the fall, when acacia loses the leaves… Bad [bad word] after me.. whatever I start, it falls apart.. And above all that, I get to like The-Forbidden-One But the old wound is treated with an old cure Of course, the wine.. You didn’t think it would be milk? From: [bad word] [bad word]