Els guapos són els raros (исполнитель: Manel)
Els guapos són els raros Un home amb ulleres de pasta [bad word] passeja pel port nerviós. Ja fa més d’una hora que a la seva dona l’espera el Doctor Ramon. Que avui s’han omplert de coratge i han decidit operar-se el cos. La dona es vol treure papada i l’home es farà fer un [bad word] més gros. Però, no saben que ser atractius també [bad word] viure en un malson. I els dos canten de [bad word] mare, molt millor que jo, que fan cant coral. I ballen sardanes a Plaça Sant Jaume i ho fan de collons. El Pepe és un noi que ha fet panxa i es passa el sant dia estirat llit. Avui el rodegen tres metges i un jove becari amb un bisturí. Amb un permanent delimiten l’essència greixosa que li extrauran. I ell somia amb prendre un waikiki envoltat de senyores que marquen mugrons. Però, el Pepe no sap que alguns ben plantats també viuen en un malson. I el tio organitza trobades d’amics del 600, i en té un de vermell. I quan puja al poble, els nens li demanen que els porti a fer un tomb. No saben que els guapos són els raros. Ho sap tothom, però no ho diu ningú. Tampoc no s’agraden i [bad word] per ser diferents. I no saben que els guapos desafinen , no tenen swing i no ballen bé. També es preocupen i tenen psicòlegs, i no passa res. I no passa res. I no passa res. ______________________________________ The pretty ones are the weird ones man with thick horn-rimmed glasses strolls in the harbor, nervous. Since more than one hour ago Dr Ramon is waiting her wife. Today, they mustered up their courage and they decided to get their bodies operated. The woman wants to remove her double chin and the man will get a bigger [bad word] But they don't know that being attractive can also mean living in a nightmare. They both sing [bad word] good, much better than me, they are in a choir, and they dance "sardana"s in Sant Jaume square, and they're [bad word] good at it. And Pepe is a boy who has gained weight and he spends the whole day laying in bed. Today he is surrounded by three doctors and a young scholar with a scalpel. With a marker they delimit the greasy essence they are going to remove. And he dreams he has a waikiki surrounded by misses showing off their nipples. But Pepe doesn't know, that some good-looking people also live a nightmare. And he organises meetings of old-car lovers, he's got a red one. And when he goes to the village children ask him to go for a drive. They don't know that the pretty ones are the weird ones. Everyone knows, but nobody says. They neither like themselves and [bad word] to be different. They don't know that pretty people go out of tune, they have bad swings and they don't dance well. They also have worries and psychologists... that's not a big deal That's not a big deal That's not a big deal