Songs 4 Hate & Devotion 2010 (исполнитель: Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio)
Songs 4 Hate & Devotion-2010 1. Where I stand on the Holy Mountain and Pray 4 the War 2. World not so Beautiful [Song 4 the Emperor] 3. In My Little Black Dress 4. With Unspoken Pleasures [My Guardian Demon] feat. Kim Larsen (Of the Wand and the Moon) 5. In Heaven, only Abstinence remains 6. Do Angels never cry, and Heaven never fall? 7. Lucifer in Love 8. Serpent - Dagger - Lion - Man feat. Miho Nakashima 9. Long Knives, and Little Men feat. Simone Salvatori (Spiritual Front) 10. 4 1 4 1 11. I M I L E, My Idiot Lover 12. If Christ is the Answer, then what is the Question? 13. Song 4 Hate & Devotion + 4 More Songs 4 Hate & Devotion - Bonus CD 1. World not so Beautiful [Song 4 Fredrik] 2. The Imbecile & The Idiot Lover 3. Another Song 4 Hate & Devotion 4. In High Heels, through Nights of broken Glass (mmx)