Tha Mo Ghaol Air Aird a’ Chuain (исполнитель: Julie Fowlis)
Feasgar ciùin an tùs a' Chèitein Nuair bha 'n ialtag anns na speuran Chualaim rìbhinn òg 's i deurach 'Seinn fo sgàil nan geugan uain' Bha a' ghrian 'sa chuan gu sìoladh 'S reult cha d' èirich anns an iarmailt Nuair a sheinn an òigh gu cianail "Tha mo ghaol air àird a' chuain" Thòisich dealt na h-oidhch' ri tùirling 'S lùb am braon gu caoin na flùrain Shèid a' ghaoth 'na h-oiteig chùbhraidh Beatha 's ùrachd do gach cluan Ghleus an nighneag fonn a h-òrain Sèimh is ciùin mar dhriùchd an Òg-mhìos 'S bha an t-sèisd seo 'g èirigh 'n còmhnaidh "Tha mo ghaol air àird a' chuain" Chiar an latha is dheàrrs' na reultan Sheòl an rè measg neul nan speuran Shuidh an òigh, bha 'bròn 'ga lèireadh 'S cha robh dèigh air tàmh no suain Theann mi faisg air reult nan òg-bhean Sheinn mu 'gaol air chuan 'bha seòladh O bu bhinn a caoidhrean brònach "Tha mo ghaol air àird a' chuain" Rinn an ceòl le deòin mo thàladh Dlùth do rìbinn donn nam blàth-shul 'S i ag ùrnaigh ris an Àrd-Rìgh "Dìon mo ghràdh 'th' air àird a' chuain" Bha a cridh' le gaol gu sgàineadh Nuair a ghlac mi fhèin air làimh i "Siab do dheòir, do ghaol tha sàbhailt Thill mi slàn bhàrr àird a' chuain" ENGLISH TRANSLATION: My Love Is On the High Seas On a quiet evening at the beginning of May When the bat was in the skies I heard a tearful young maiden Singing beneath the shadow of the green branches The sun was setting in the sea And no stars yet graced the sky When the young girl sang sorrowfully "My love is on the high seas" The night's dew began to fall Each bloom yielding softly to the droplets The wind blew in a fragrant breeze Bringing life and renewal to each field The girl tunefully sang her song Quiet and peaceful like the June dew And this [bad word] constantly repeated "My love is on the high seas" Day darkened and the stars shone Setting their course amongst the clouds The maiden sat, burdened by her sadness Her singing could not have been more soothing I moved closer to the young woman Singing of her love sailing on the sea Oh sweet was her sad lament "My love is on the high seas" The music enticed me Nearer to the brown-haired maiden of the warm eyes And she prayed to the King of Heaven "Protect my love on the high seas" Her heart was breaking with love When I took her by the hand "Wipe your eyes, your love is safe I have returned to you from the high seas."