mami (исполнитель: Itzik kala)
at aaisha ahi yafa \ You are the best beautiful woman at ahish ahi tova \ You are the best woman bat v natat li ahava \ You came and you gave me love sh me shmaeim nishleha \ That from heaven sent at ayehida shmvina mami mami at col sodot aneshama x2 \ You are the only women that understands, darling darling , All the secrets of the soul kshistcalt el toh einay hich eishtano laam hayay \When you looked into my eyes ,How my life was changed layla afel afah leyom v acohav ala pitom dark night turned to day, And the star rose suddenly at ayehida shmvina mami mami at col sodot aneshama x2 ma sh haser li baolam rak bezhoteh ofeh moshlam \What is lacking to me in the world Only because of you ,it makes a perfect cmo b gan eden amiti bat v pitom lakhat oti Like in a real paradise You came and suddenly take me at ayehida shmvina mami mami at col sodot aneshama x2 at aaisha ahi yafa at ahish ahi tova bat v natat li ahava sh me shmaeim nishleha at ayehida shmvina mami mami at col sodot aneshama x2