Ja Nus Hons Pris. Песня короля Ричарда Львиное сердце (1157-1199). (исполнитель: Owain Phyfe)
Знаменитая «тюремная » песнь Ричарда Львиное Сердце (1157-1199). Написана в замке Durnstein, куда он был помещен герцогом Леопольдом V Австрийским, пленившим Ричарда, когда тот возвращался из Иерусалима. Песнь посвящена Марии Шампанской. Ja Nus Hons Pris / Richard the Lion Heart, 12th Century In the tradition of the song of the troubadour warrior-poet, Ja Nus Hons Pris records the Austrian captivity of its author, England's [bad word] King Richard I, a.k.a.: The Lion-Heart, Duke of Aquitaine. The poem dates from 1194 [bad word] in ancient French. King Richard didn't speak English. My friend and fellow musician, Malcolm Smith, the late New World Renaissance Band fiddler, [bad word] for many a year, that I add it to my reperetoire. I am indebted for his advice. Ja nus hons pris ne dira sa raison adroitement, se dolantement non; mes par confort puet il fere chancon. moult ai amis, mes povre sont li don; honte en avront, se por ma reancon sui ces deus yvers pris. Ce sevent bien mi honme et mi baron, Englois, Normant, Poitevin et Gascon, que je n'avoie si [bad word] cui je laissasse por avoir en prixon. Je nei di pas por nule retracon, mes encor sui ge pris. English translation: No prisoner ever tells his story objectively; rather, it is cloaked in sorrow. [bad word] himself, however, he may write a song: I have many friends, but their gifts are few. Dishonor will be theirs if I remain in prison these two winters; my ransom unpaid. My men and my barons, from England, Normandy, Poitou, and Gascony, know that I would never forsake even the least of my friends. I do no say this as a reproach. Still... I remain a prisoner.