Koparılan çiçekler - Flowers Plucked (исполнитель: Sertab Erener)
İyi ki varsın, İyi ki sevmişim seni Hem aldın, hem çaldın Helal sana Yok istemem diyen gönlüm Çöle bile razı şimdi Yanlış yola giden bendim Lütfen dön gel Ben yazdım kadere hüznü perişanı Sonu gelmez yine de bitemez ümitler Ama yoksa bahçemin eski şanı Sebebi koparılan çiçekler Flowers Plucked I'm glad you exist, I'm glad I fell in love with you You have both taken and stolen (my heart) Good for you! My heart, which didnt want before, Would even be pleased with desert now I was the one who took the wrong path [bad word] back I'm the one who wrote sorrows and misery in (my) destiny, Which are endless, but still I cant be hopeless. But if my garden isnt as glorious as it used to be, It'sbecause of the flowers been plucked.