Double HarmoniZe Shock!! (исполнитель: KOTOKO to Utatsuki Kaori)
Datte ne, dou yatte mitsukerya ii no? Sou yatte sugu ni genkai [bad word] ne Dekinai yo… wakannai jyan!! [bad word] no ga kowai…. Kokoro no rimittaa nado hazushichae ima sugu ni burning equalizer Lalulula omoi o koe ni [bad word] utae Lalulula kono mama yuke sou feel my dream Owari naki zankoku na yume e, katachi naki teikou wa tsudzuku Kasanari au koe no chikara, Shock!! Tsukamu wa precious dream Samazama na boutoku no [bad word] de shinjita mono kitto hanasanai! [bad word] nichijyou no naka, Shock! Gosenfu no ue de abarero Biito no halation, [bad word] pulsation Kimi ni todoke! Double HarmoniZe shining the future. [bad word] kimochi sagate ni totte Anata mo onaji fuan darake nanda ne Hottoite! dekinaiyo! Wagamama ni narenai… Kokoro no torigaa hiki azayaka ni uchinuite burning revolution Lalulula namida mo buki ni [bad word] utae Lalulula inochi [bad word] made crazy beat Osowareta sanpai no shirabe [bad word] sukui no haamonii Hitotsu jyanai kotae mitsuke, Shock!! Susumu no my beat Kinou made no jyoushiki koete [bad word] no mo osokunai at once Machigai de dekita merodii, Shock!! Gosenfu no ue wa jiyuu sa! Yuuki no fraction, mugen formation Hibikiwatare! Double HarmoniZe! call in the future Lalulula omoi o koe ni [bad word] utae Lalulula kono mama yuke sou feel my dream Owari naki zankoku na yume e, katachi naki teikou wa tsudzuku Kasanari au koe no chikara, Shock!! Tsukamu wa precious dream Samazama na boutoku no [bad word] de shinjita mono kitto hanasanai! [bad word] nichijyou no naka, Shock! Gosenfu no ue de abarero Biito no halation, [bad word] pulsation Kimi ni todoke! Double HarmoniZe shining the future. call in the future. -- But…. how can I find him? Just like that, know your limits! I can’t… I don’t know how!! You’re just afriad of being [bad word] . I need to get rid of the limiter on my heart, now! burning equlizer Lalulula, put your feelings into your voice, and sing. Lalulula, I think I can go on like this. feel my dream. I’m heading towards neverending nightmares. Let the shapeless resistance continue. With the power of all the collected voices, shock!! Seize the precious dream. Underneath numerous lies and blasphemy, grab something you [bad word] and don’t let go. In these swirling ordinary days, shock!! Rage above the music score. Halation of beats, throbbing pulsation. Let them reach you! Double HarmoniZe. shining the future. What about my unsure feelings of him turning on me… You’re just worrying too much! Leave me! I can’t… Don’t let me [bad word] selfish I’m going to pull the trigger of my heart, so I can see where it’ll shoot. burning revolution Lalulula, use your tears as a weapon and sing. Lalulula, until your life withers away. crazy beat I was taught how to deal with defeat, reach out for the melody of aid. Look for more than one answer! Shock! March forward, my beat Go further than [bad word] sense, it’s not too late to start at once. The melody is riddled with errors, Shock! But the music score is free! fraction of courage, an infinte formation. Let it echo! Double HarmoniZe call in the future. Lalulula, put your feelings into your voice, and sing. Lalulula, I think I can go on like this. feel my dream. I’m heading towards neverending nightmares. Let the shapeless resistance continue. With the power of all the collected voices, shock!! Seize the precious dream. Underneath numerous lies and blasphemy, grab something you [bad word] and don’t let go. In these swirling ordinary days, shock!! Rage above the music score. Halation of be