U. N. Owen wa Kanojo Nanoka?「U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか?」 (исполнитель: Liz Triangle)
暗いお城で開かれた 一人きりで始まるお茶会 籠の中の小鳥さん あなた、私と踊りましょ? In a dark castle I held tea party by myself Inside a birdcage, Why don't you dance with me? 休む事も無く 手をたたく 終わる事の無い 秘密のカルニバル There's no sleeping, So c'mon, clap your hands! We don't need to end, It's our secret carnival! カゴメよカゴメ お菓子はいかが? 赤色と青色の飴 Oh, "Bird in the cage~" Then how about sweets? Red and blue candy, which one will you take? お菓子の家に出口は無いよ シリアスな声でこう囁く 「鏡よ鏡」 My candy house, here there's no way out. With a serious voice I whisper the words "Mirror, mirror..." 世界で誰よりも イタズラ好きなのは誰ですか? 「それはあなたです」と 映る私が笑う Who is the most mischievious of all? "That would be you!" Reflects in my laugh. (私はアナタ アナタはだぁれ?) キラキラと割れるダレカの笑顔 (アナタは私 私はだぁれ?) 心に刺さるエゴイズム (I am you, and you are...?) twinkling rips through a smiling face (You are me, and I am...?) heart congested with selfishness. lalala...lalala... 誰にも内緒よlalala... 始まりのおしまい (lalala) (Everything here is a secret.) (lalala) We've only just begun! (Lit. "It's the end of the start") あなたが残した プレゼントは何処? 何処 どこ ドコなの? 空っぽのくつした 誰が殺し 誰がなる? 誰が鳴らすか 鐘の音を? 「それは私よ」 ダレカの声が響く Where have you left my present? Where, where, where can it be? Are they just vacant socks? Just who will I kill, who shall it be? Who rang the bell? ... "I did." Someone's voice echoes. 円卓を囲むのは 可哀想な駒鳥で 優しく抱きしめて 抱え上げ 握り締め 零れだす 愉悦(ゆえつ)の笑み [bad word] to a round table What a pathetic robin there is on it. Tenderly embrace it, Carry it in my arms, I clench it tightly, smile filled with joy overflows.