Yeled rehov (исполнитель: subliminal)
YELED RECHOV SOGER OD YOM BEPACHAD Soger od yom bepachad... Zeh sipur al yeled rechov she'lo lamad le'ehov lamad rak lalechet makot velignov ki ein kvar anashim tovim be'emtza haderech hahefech - hayom horgim bishvil kesef machalah shememakeret leniyar k'sheyesh lecha harbeh atah nihyah me'ushar aval et [bad word] lezeh shachachta mizman atah narkoman al cash mezuman sachut nir'eh ke'ilu ein becha od mitz mazrik od check ve'eizeh shekel el hakis hakol pit'om nir'a oto davar macharta t'achaim sh'cha bishvil godel shel mispar veklum lo nish'ar pashut ratzita od ve'lo yad'ata lamah shehaya lecha kvar harbe me'od ratzita pi kama shtarot mekir lekir, mitachat lash'tichim veshebachutz nihyah karir kafata mibifnim. Soger od yom bepachad, lo yachol lishon od lailah le'lo nachat, mechapes makom soger od yom bepachad, lo yachol lishon od lailah le'lo nachat, mechapes rak le'ehov. Od pirchach beda'awin shel totach be'olam lo mutzlach lisrod hu muchrach al katef achat satan, al katef shniyah mal'ach lo nuchach, hu nutzach, 69 mahapach bamichnas machzik ekdach muchan lepe'ulah chay be'ashlayah, yoter nachon behash'alah lo notnim lecha - tikach, marbitzim lecha - tirtzach shesh esreh mal'u lana'ar habilti menutzach tipesh chashav she'hu yichyeh lanetzach hu lo tzipah lekabel t'akadur bametzach d'kirot ud'maot, batei kvarot, siyutim baleilot yeladot shel hachevreh zonot kulam chamumei mo'ach, mesachkei ko'ach od ben no'ar niktaf she'rak hitchil lifro'ach al tagid chaval, od yeled kriminal gamarta ta'universital shel hachaim im to'ar za"l. Soger od yom... Le"tamaim" im einaim g'dolot ein banot ein kesef, ein efo lichyot ve'ein class zahav al hatzavar - "shofuni ya nas" vekol ha'olam tofes mimcha distance hashamaim hem hag'vul vekamah shetikfotz 'ta lo tagi'a aval b'gadim m'chablim morid bli lehazi'a harei lekol davar yesh mechir afilu lachaim, rak tar'eh mezumanim ani amarti zeh lo monopol, ata tipol bamachalah hazot lo nilchamim be'akamol pit'om korim dvarim meshunim delet choreket, tze'adim, orot mehav'evim, ata besoragim! kesef kal kayam rak bes'ratim, befantaziot vele'itim gam be'olam hapesh'a has'ritah shelcha nihita mamash petz'a kor'im lah te'avat betz'a. Soger od yom... Kof ro'eh, kof oseh, titfos machaseh tishkol tze'adim tov lifnei ma'aseh tizaher, lo lachtof kadur larosh yeled tishtachrer chamor, al tihyeh kaved, akshan k'mo pered zeh chashuv, tachshov shuv lifnei shetashuv chaval shezeh yihyeh stam od sipur atzuv ki pa'am 'ta lemalah, pa'am 'ta lematah, she'lo tigmor im partzuf [bad word] ach al Balata ki madlik mi shemaklik t'amachsanit rishon "hu met?" lo! bakele ad yomo ha'acharon hu shakel shetz, ars, gever totach sa ya tembel, barach, lo tenatzeach ta'ekdach hu chashav she'yesh lo gav aval hagav tafas zanav herim raglaim, tas, barach, oto azav tafnim, kulam yod'im she'yesh lecha beitzim rak al tigmor k'mo seret porno al hapanim... STREET CHILD ANOTHER DAY ENDS IN FEAR Another day ends in fear... This is a story about a street kid that didn't learn to love he learned only to beat and steal 'cuz there's no more good people in the middle of the road the opposite - today people kill for money disease that's spread to paper when you have a lot you [bad word] happy but you forgot the meaning long ago you are a narc, on cold, hard cash squeezed, seems like you have no juice in you inject another check & shekel to your pocke