Loosin yelav (Armenia) (исполнитель: Dawn Upshaw & The Andalucian Dogs)
Folk Songs, for voice and 7 [bad word] (1964) Loosin yelav ensareetz Saree partzòr gadareetz Shegleeg megleeg yeresov Pòrvetz kedneen loosni dzov. Jan a loosin Jan ko loosin Jan ko gòlor sheg yereseen Xavarn arten tchòkatzav Oo el kedneen tchògatzav Loosni loosov halatzvadz Moot amberi metch mònadz. Jan a loosin, etc. The moon has risen The moon has risen over the hill, over the top of the hill, its red rosy face casting radiant light on the ground. O dear moon with your dear light and your dear, round, rosy face! Before, the darkness lay spread upon the earth; moonlight has now chased it into the dark clouds. O dear moon, etc.