Roll! Black Ocean! (исполнитель: Antic Clay)
Dread not, child of war! Pull to the lodestar! She leveled at me her blighting glance that burns my eyes more than the sun! But I must go down to the sea again for all that I have not begun! Roll black ocean, roll! Roll black ocean, roll! I dread not the icy climes, the hammered skin, the briny hide! Roll black ocean, roll! I must go down to the sea, I said, alee of this leacherous land! For flesh is a weapon of woman, I said, and heaven a weapon of man! I must go down to the sea, said I, for all that this land has forbade! Well I'll leave before noon and the moon's dead eye will guide me the rest of the way! Howling and holy and horribly glorious! Violent, radiant sea! Well I turn to your sermon, the fury that stole me from blind and obedient creed! Dread not, leviathan! Terrible paragon! Roll black ocean, roll! The wake is over and the litany is spoken, I must go now for the sea That breaks forever and never is broken will heal, mend and swallow me! Roll black ocean, roll! Roll black ocean, roll! Peace is poor reading and war is inspiring and as long as my bludgeoned heart beats I'll curse the births of they who forbade me from crying for my tears are made of the sea! As every lighthouse does black out every lover does back out of covenants stricken with me! Copyright 2007 FurnaceSongs Record Co. ASCAP 3/11/2014