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Disgaea 4- ラストエンゲージ Last Engage lyrics With google translate english lyrics! (So don't take them seriously) 永遠に穢れない 快楽に酔いしれる eien ni kegarenai kairaku ni [bad word] Forever without any impurities, Intoxicated with pleasures 愚かな夜に 真紅の革命 oroka na [bad word] ni shinku no kakumei Stupid night, Crimson revolution 深淵に刻まれた 刹那の記憶 shinen ni kizamareta setsuna no kioku Carved into the abyss is the memory of that moment 孤独誘う罠 ほら 赤い月が見てる kodoku sasou wana hora akai tsuki ga [bad word] Solitude is lured to a trap. Hey, the Red moon is watching 悪戯に堕ちてゆく 羽がいとおしい itazura ni ochite yuku hane ga itooshii Mischief is fading, sweet feather 闇と踊る 果てを知らずに yami to [bad word] hate o shirazu ni Dance with darkness without knowing the end 奇跡より甘い 運命という口づけで kiseki yori amai unmei toiu kuchizuke de Sweeter than a miracle is the kiss of fate 散らす罪の翼 紅く染める 血の旋律(しらべ) Chira sutsumi no tsubasa akaku [bad word] chi no shirabe Get rid of the sin of your wings, Crimson color prepares blood 永遠に穢れない 黄昏を狂わせる eien ni kegare nai tasogare o [bad word] Forever without any impurities, Upset the twilight 歌声が響くよ もう迷わない utagoe ga hibiku yo mou mayowa nai It echoes a voice, don’t hesitate any longer うたかたに飾りあう 幻想(まぼろし)は要らない utakata ni kazari au maboroshi ha iranai Bubbles decorate the illusion that isn’t there 滅びゆく 世界(いま)を変える 真理の十字架 horobi yuku ima o [bad word] shinri no juujika [bad word] goes now to change the cross of [bad word] 真紅の『約束』を 信じて……! shinku no 'yakusoku' o shinji te …! Believe in the crimson promise…!