Sparapet (исполнитель: Alla Levonyan)
Inch pes soor ansasan (Like a sword, always ready/risen) Chekhkum es jhairer (Breaking through mountains) Ko dzainet haghtakan sharjhum e lerner (Your winning voice moves mountains) Du hzor artsiv es (You are a strong eagle) Ko hokun ghoorban (DOESNT TRANSLATE WELL, BUT SHE'S EXPRESSING APPRECIATION FOR HIS SOUL) Kezanov yet karnenk mer Sasun u Van (With you, we'll take back our Sasun and Van) [NOTE: These are parts of ancient Armenia, which have been stolen by Turks to create "Turkey"] (2x) Hzor banak mer hakhtakan (Our winning, strong army) Du mer huysn es u apagan (You are our faith and our future) Yerp kailum es srov yerkirn e sharjhvum (When you walk with a sword, the world moves) Ko ___ mek zarkits yerkinkn e chakum (Your (adjective that I can't seem to hear) one strike causes the world to crack) Du hzor artsiv es (You are a strong eagle) Ko hokun ghoorban (DOESNT TRANSLATE WELL, BUT SHE'S EXPRESSING APPRECIATION FOR HIS SOUL) Kezanov yet karnenk mer Sasun u Van (With you, we'll take back our Sasun and Van) [NOTE: These are parts of ancient Armenia, which have been stolen by Turks to create "Turkey"] (2x) Hzor banak mer hakhtakan (Our winning, strong army) Du mer huysn es u apagan (You are our faith and our future) Yerkum enk u norits kez enk menk hishum (We sing and remember you again) Ko shurterits yelnogh yerkernenk yerkum (We sing the words that came from your lips/mouth) Ov du kaj zoravor, Hayots sparapet (Oh you brave/mighty source of power, Armenian military leader) Hayots girt u pashpan (Armenian intellect and protector) Mer kaj zorapet (Our brave/mighty source of power) Du hzor artsiv es (You are a strong eagle) Ko hokun ghoorban (DOESNT TRANSLATE WELL, BUT SHE'S EXPRESSING APPRECIATION FOR HIS SOUL) Kezanov yet karnenk mer Sasun u Van (With you, we'll take back our Sasun and Van) [NOTE: These are parts of ancient Armenia, which have been stolen by Turks to create "Turkey"] Hzor banak mer hakhtakan (Our winning, strong army) Du mer huysn es u apagan (You are our faith and our future) (2x) Ov kaj sparapet (Oh brave/mighty military leader) (4x)