1. 1991 2. Affection 3. Alice practice 4. Baptism 5. Birds. 6. Child I Will Hurt You 7. Courtship date 8. Doe Deer 9. Electric Bloom 10. Empathy 11. Insulin (Mush No Candy Remix) 12. Intimate 13. Kerosene 14. Love and Caring (Summer Of Haze remix) 15. Lovers Who Uncover 16. Magic Spells 17. Mercenary 18. Not in Love 19. Pale Flesh 20. Pap Smear 21. Plague 22. Sad Eyes 23. Suffocation 24. Telepath 25. Tell Me What To Swallow 26. Transgender 27. [bad word] Us 28. Vietnam 29. Violent Dreams 30. Violent Youth 31. Wrath of God