18. Yatsu no Naka e [Inside Of Him] (исполнитель: Death Note Musical - Kenji Urai)
Light 違う!もっと深く chigau! motto [bad word] It’s wrong! Even deeper 踏み込んで来い fumikonde koi Get over here! さあ 何が欲しい Saa nani ga hoshii So, what do you want? L キラが 二人組めば Kira ga futari kumeba If the two Kiras unite 殺せるんだろう? [bad word] n darô? Could they kill me? もう 顔を見れば mô kao o mireba If they’ve already seen my face Light どこまで見抜いてるんだ? doko made [bad word] n da? How much can you see through? L 見せてみろ misete miro Show me Light 焦り aseri Impatience L 怒り ikari Anger Light/L さらけ出せ sarake dase Expose yourself! 打ち返す その力 uchi kaesu sono chikara Return the blow, that power この腕に 伝わり 膨れ上がる kono ude ni tsutawari [bad word] [bad word] Reaching this arm, it swells 肉体も 何もかも nikutai mo nanimo ka mo The body too, anything and everything 一つに繋がれて hitotsu ni tsunagarete Bound together as one この心はそのままお前だ kono kokoro wa sono mama omae da This heart remains you Light もう海砂のことは mô Misa no koto wa 勘付いてるか? [bad word] ka? Are you already suspicious about Misa? さあ すべて吐けよ saa subete hake yo Well now, spit out! Д そう キラの武器は sô Kira no buki wa Right. Kira’s weapon 死神なんだろう? shinigami na n darô? Could it really be a god of death? Light/L さあ ボールを出せよ saa [bad word] o dase yo There we go, pass the ball! Light 攻めるように見せかけて [bad word] yô ni mise kakete Feigning to attack L 守ってる [bad word] Being protective Light 分かる [bad word] To understand L 見える [bad word] To be able to see Light/L その心 sono kokoro That heart ついてこい どこまでも tsuite koi doko made mo [bad word] along with me to the bitter end 燃え上がれ 一つの炎になれ moe agare hitotsu no honoo ni nare Flare up! [bad word] one flame! ほかのこと どうでもいい hoka no koto dô de mo ii Other things are inconsequential お前しか見えない omae shika mienai I can’t see anything but you まるで今 世界に二人だ [bad word] de ima sekai ni futari da Right now it’s entirely like there are only two people in the world L 待て 自分取り戻せ mate jibun tori modose Wait! Recover yourself! 有り得ない これは arienai kore wa Impossible, this 私じゃない watashi ja nai is not me Light なぜ ヤツはこんなにも naze yatsu wa konna ni mo 僕を駆り立てる boku o kari [bad word] Why?! Is that guy able to spur me on like this?! 本気にさせる honki ni [bad word] Making me fall for it Light/L 受け止めて 打ち返す uketomete uchikaesu to catch the blow and return it きが付けば お前の意識の中 ki ga tsukeba omae no ishiki no naka If you realize, within your consciousness 皮膚の下 潜り込み hifu no [bad word] moguri komi Slipping in under your skin 同じ目でモノを見る onaji me de mono o [bad word] seeing things with the same eyes 混ざり合い 絡み合い mazariai karamiai Joining together, [bad word] intertwined 叫び出した意識が sakebi [bad word] ishiki ga the awareness that let out a cry 求めてる 狂おしく [bad word] [bad word] in pursuit, maddeningly, お前だけを強く omae dake o tsuyoku of only you, strongly 止めてやる この手で tomete [bad word] kono te de I’ll choke it out of you, with these hands 息の根 iki no ne your life