Гимн Ливии (при Каддафи) (исполнитель: Allahu Akbar!)
الله أكبر الله اكبر الله أكبر فوق كيد المعتدي الله للمظلوم خير مؤيد أنا باليقين وبالسلاح سأفتدي بلدي ونور الحق يسطع في يدي قولوا معي قولوا معي الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر فوق كيد المعتدي يا هذه الدنيا أطلي واسمعي جيش الأعادي جاء يبغي مصرعي بالحق سوف أرده وبمدفعي وإذا فنيت فسوف أفنيه معي قولوا معي قولوا معي الله أكبر الله أكبر الله اكبر الله فوق كيد المعتدي. Allah is Great Allah is Great Allah is above any attacker's tricks, And Allah is the best helper for the oppressed, Allah is above any attacker's tricks, And Allah is the best helper for the oppressed, With certainty and with weapons I shall defend My nation, [bad word] s light shining in my hand; Say it with me, say it with me: Allah is greatest, Allah is greatest, Allah is greatest! Allah is great over the attacker's tricks! Oh this world, watch and listen: The enemy came coveting my position, Oh this world, watch and listen: The enemy came coveting my position, I shall fight with weapons and defences And if I die, I'll take him with me! Say it with me, say it with me: Allah is greatest, Allah is greatest, Allah is greatest! Allah is above any attacker's tricks!