King Arthur - ACT III, sc. 2 15. "What ho" (исполнитель: Henry Purcell)
ACT THREE FIRST SCENE The Britons are panicked by the magic horrors that have been put around the Saxon fortress to protect it and want to retreat. Arthur, however, is prepared to attempt to penetrate them alone. Merlin advises him to wait until after the spells have been broken, but does promise to spirit him off to the captive Emmeline, and to restore her sight. SECOND SCENE Deep Wood Philidel is captured by Grimbald while trying to find Emmeline, but he escapes and casts a strong spell over the evil spirit. Merlin and Arthur enter; Merlin gives Philidel a vial containing the drops that will restore Emmeline's sight and leaves to attempt to dispel the dire enchantments in the wood. Emmeline and Matilda enter from the far end of the wood. Arthur withdraws as Philidel approaches Emmeline, sprinkling some of the water out of the vial over her eyes. Emmeline sees Arthur for the first time, and tells him that not only Oswald, but also Osmond desires her love. Airy spirits appear to congratulate her on the recovery of her sight, but then vanish when Philidel announces the approach of their foes. Emmeline and Matilda are left alone. Osmond, whom Emmeline now sees for the first time, ardently woos her and boasts how he has thrown Oswald into prison. Emmeline, frozen with terror, refuses his advances, but Osmond assures her that Love will thaw her, and demonstrates by using his magic wand to change Britain's mild clime to Iceland and farthest Thule's frost. THE FROST SCENE Prelude Osmond strikes the ground with his wand, the scene changes to a prospect of winter in frozen countries. Cupid descends. CUPID What ho! thou genius of this isle, what ho! Liest thou asleep beneath those hills of snow? Stretch out thy lazy limbs. Awake, awake! And winter from thy furry mantle shake.