Getting Good - Imagine Dragons 'Radioactive' CS:GO Parody (исполнитель: SkyHawksGamers)
LYRICS: Ooooooooohhh Wowwooahhaohwowohh Ooooohowowowowowhohohw Wowowaoh Ooooooooohhh Ooooooooohhh Ooooooooohhh I'm waking up to a low K/I wipe my keyboard and press 'P' I'm not getting any noscopes *happy and shocked gasp* *disappointed "oh"* I'm getting worse Ranking down Going 1-17 This is [bad word] WOAH I'M DE-RANKING I feel it in my bones Enough 2 to make me cry a lot [bad word] to the noob age to the noob age [bad word] to the noob age to the noob age! Owoahaowowahoh Owowhoahowoh I'm REALLY BAD REALLY BAD Ohwoahwowahoh Ohwowoowoah I'm REALLY BAD REALLY BAD I read some guides Watched some vids It's way of learning I suppose Edit my crosshair to fit right in Wowoah (Wowoah) I'm getting good Ranking up Going to be Master Guardian This is [bad word] WOWOAH I'M RANKING UP I feel it in my heart Enough 2 to make me [bad word] a lot [bad word] to the new rank To the new rank Weclome to the new rank To the new rank Wowowowoah Wowowowow I'm GETTING GOOD GETTING GOOD Wowoahwowowoah Wowoahwowowoah I'm GETTING GOOD GETTING GOOD All cases sold... ...the market hasn't died My AWP is ready I camp inside (???) I'M M L I feel like a SWAGLORD I got a CO-AT-ER-R-AL [bad word] to Global Elite To Global Elite [bad word] to Global Elite To Global Elite Wowoahwoahwowwoah Wowoowoaoah I'm SO GOOD SO GOOD Wowowowoah Wowowowoah I'm JUST AMAZING JUST AMAZING