Major Tom (Coming Home) (исполнитель: Peter Schilling)
Standing there alone, the ship is waiting. All systems are go. "Are you sure?" Control is not convinced, but [bad word] has the evidence. No need to abort. The countdown starts. Watching in a trance, the crew is certain. Nothing left to chance, all is working. Trying to relax up in the capsule "Send me up a drink." jokes Major Tom. The count goes on... 4, 3, 2, 1 Earth below us drifting, falling. Floating weightless calling, calling home... Second stage is cut. We're now in orbit. Stabilizers [bad word] perfect. Starting to collect requested data. "What will it affect when all is done?" thinks Major Tom. Back at ground control, there is a problem. "Go to rockets full." Not responding. "Hello Major Tom. Are you receiving? Turn the [bad word] on. We're standing by." There's no reply. 4, 3, 2, 1 Earth below us drifting, falling. Floating weightless calling, calling home... Across the stratosphere, a final message: "Give my wife my love." Then nothing more. Far beneath the ship, the world is mourning. They don't realize he's alive. No one understands, but Major Tom sees. "Now the [bad word] this is my home, [bad word] home." Earth below us drifting, falling. Floating [bad word] home... Earth below us drifting, falling. Floating [bad word] coming home... home.....