Beer! (исполнитель: Psychostick)
Beer! - Psychostick I like beer because it is good I drink beer because I should If there was a song to sing I sing it and beer you bring I drink beer when I am sad Cuz the beer it makes me glad There is nothing left to say So let's go drink beeer. BEER IS GOOD BEER IS GOOD BEER IS GOOD ...AND STUFF BEER IS GOOD BEER IS GOOD BEER IS GOOD Let's go drink some... When it's warm it tasts real crappy But cold beer will make me happy When I throw up on the floor I can go and drink some more They say beer will make me dumb It are go good with pizza Now that we have [bad word] some beer Let's go drive a car. I am [bad word] [bad word] is me. I am [bad word] .. WHEEEEE! Lyrics provided by [bad word]