Отсутствует (исполнитель: Неизвестен)
Secanje dodje, al' ne zelim da se secam, Kako sam juce pored tebe bio srecan, Ziveo samo za trenutke kad me pomazis, Nocu te sanjam, al mi jutrom uvek odlazis, Niz reku proslosti, tamo gde brod u reci plovi, Meni si dala sve, sada te ima neko novi, Jos mi odjekuju te lazi kao uvreda, Kada si nezno saputala to zauvek da, Da ostaces pored, uz mene i kada ostarim, I one suze, kad hteo sam da te ostavim, Kada sam saznao da ipak nisi bila to, U sta sam verovo, nocu dok sma te ljubio, I ja sam znao da vec dugo nije kao pre, Al' ipak pkao sam tog dana kad sam sazno sve, Pa sam potonuo, prognan iz naseg starog dvora, 20,000 milja, duboko ispod mora... [Tisha] Ulice puste su bez nas, od kada ne cujem ti glas, Samo ti, i ja, na starim slikama... Nekad verovali smo, sve imali, a sad budim se i znam, Ovo je pravi raj... [Deniro] U zamku ljubavi sam vetar koji odjek nema, Bacena igracka, negde, u nekom gradu sena, Tu, pored kante, gde [bad word] niko ne hoda, Gde ljubav zivi u suzi s' imenom nekada, Kada smo nosili blesavi sjaj u ocima, I ona jedino znala je da me procita, U zagrljaju smo imali onaj osecaj, Da ceo svet je nas, a sad je tome kraj, Pa slomljen posmatram bajke, na tren me podsete, Da dvoje ljudi, sto znali su da se osete, Bez reci, [bad word] pogledom koji govori, Vise od dodira, pogled sto dusu otvori, I svi su hteli da budu bas kao ti i ja, Al tebi ipak je prica s njim bila bitnija, Samo sam hteo da vidim te kad se probudim, Da kazem ti da te volim, i da te poljubim... ENGL [bad word] but I do not want to remember, How yesterday as I was happy with you, Lived for the moments when you cudle me, At night I dream you, but you r leaving in the morning, Down the river of past, where the boat sails, You gave me everything, and now someone has u, I still hear echoing the lies like insult , When you gently whispered this forever yes, You will stay next to me and when I get old, And those tears, when I wanted to leave you, When I found out that you were not that, In what I believed, at nights while I was kissing you And I knew it's not same llike before, But I still cryed that day when I find out everything, So I went down, banished from our old house, 20,000 miles, deep under the sea In trap of love,i'm the wind which doesn't have echo, Thrown toy, somewhere, in some town of shadow There,near a bucket, where no one walks down the street, Where love lives in a tear with name „once“, When we wore silly glowing eyes, Only she knew how to read me, In the arms we had that feeling, Like hole World belong eto us, and now it's the end of it, So broken I watch fairy tales, reminding me for a moment, At two people, which knew how to fel each other, Without words, without arms,with a look that says, More than a touch, a look at what the opens soul, And they all wanted to be just like you and me, But for you storry with him was more important, I just wanted to see you when I wake up, To tell you that I love you and kiss you ...