Entitled Sons of Bitches (исполнитель: Late Night with Cry and Russ [2012])
Scott: People in chat are actually giving Pewdie [bad word] for not answering questions. Like he’s entitled to do it right now. Cry: What? Really? Pewds: Wait, I’m… Wait, am I supposed to read [bad word] Scott: Apparently! Cry: Pewds is not ‘supposed’ to do anything; he’s just hanging out. Pewds: This is not my stream, I’m sorry. Cry: Yeah ((something I can’t understand)) what the [bad word] is wrong with you people? You entitled sons of [bad word] Scott: Seriously ((I can’t understand what Cry or Pewds are saying here other than ‘I don’t know’ and 'what the [bad word] )) I thought back then that it was a funny little thing from the stream; not the chat, they were being [bad word] calling Felix not very nice things. IIRC Cry goes on talking about subs demanding stuff from YouTubers -mostly Pewds and himself (I might be wrong), and Pewds trying to lighten the mood. This was 2012, sometime before July and Cry was playing The Binding of Isaac.