くたばれPTA (исполнитель: 灯油/touyu)
ふぁっきゅー Fakkyuu **** you! やりたくなることは いけないことばかり Yaritaku [bad word] koto wa ikenai koto bakari The things we want to do, they're all things we can't どーしてダメなのか たずねてもわかりません [bad word] DAME nano ka tazunete mo wakarimasen Why are they so bad? I ask and I don't know! 若くてごめんなさい 反抗期でごめんなさい Wakakute gomen nasai hankouki de gomen nasai Sorry for being young, sorry for being rebellious, だけどねあんたらも 厳しすぎやしませんか Dakedo ne antara mo ikashisugi yashimasenka But really, aren't you all being a little too strict? みんなが言う いいコなんかに Minna ga iu ii KO nanka ni Everyone says to be a good girl なれないし なりたくもない Narenai shi naritaku mo nai I am not, and I don't want to be! あれがダメだとか これがダメだとか Are ga DAME da toka kore ga DAME da toka So that's no good? So this is no good? よくまー考えつくもんだ Yoku maa kangaetsuku mon da Every little thing [bad word] up with 常識きどって ふんぞり返んな Joushiki dotte funzori kaenna Get [bad word] sense, and gimme back my time! とっとと くたばれ PTA Tottoto kutabare PTA Hurry up and sod off, PTA! 先生、質問です。 何ですか、黙りなさい。 Sensei, [bad word] desu. Nan desuka, damarinasai. Teacher, I have a question. What? Shut up. どーしてなんですか。 うるさい、黙りなさい。 [bad word] nan desu ka. [bad word] damarinasai. And why should I do that? You're annoying, shut up. あんたら どんだけね つまらん人間なんですか Antara dondake ne tsumaran ningen nan desu ka Is it because you're all unimaginably boring people? 真面目ぶるのはいいけれど たまには息抜きしませんか Majime [bad word] no wa ii keredo tama ni wa ikinuki shimasen ka It's nice to pretend to be honest, but can't we get a breather here? 退屈な テレビの向こうは Taikutsu na TEREBI no mukou wa Behind the tedious TV, 今日もふぬけた 話題ばかり Kyou mo funuketa wadai bakari Day after day, it just plays out its stupid agendas あれもできないし これもできないし Are mo dekinai shi kore mo dekinai shi I can't do that, I can't do this, 一体何やれって言うんだ Ittai nani yarette iu nda Just what I can I do, I ask? ハンパな大人が クソガキけなすな HANPA na otona ga KUSOGAKI kenasu na Hey, half-there adults, don't call me a brat! どっちが子供かわかりません Docchi ga kodomo ka wakarimasen Which one's the child? Who even knows? やれ差別だとか やれ卑猥だとか Yare sabetsu da toka yare hiwai da toka Oh, how discriminatory? Oh, how obscene? 言葉狩りも ほどほどにしな Kotobagari mo hodo hodo ni shina Enough of your euphemisms! 便所の落書きに 目くじら立てんな Benjo no rakugaki ni mekujira tatenna Don't keep the bathroom graffiti in the corner of your eye おととい きやがれ PTA Ototoi kiyagare PTA It's like you were born two days ago, PTA! 何が悪いのか ハッキリしねーな Nani ga [bad word] no ka HAKKIRI shinee na What's so bad? It's just not clear! 正直あんたも わかってないだろ Shoujiki anta mo wakatte nai daro Be honest, you don't know either, do you? 勝手な自論を 押しつけんじゃない Katte na jiron wo [bad word] janai Have your own ideas, just don't push them on us! じれったい ホントうざったい やかましいわ Jirettai HONTO uzattai yakamashii wa It's irritating, really annoying, and stupidly strict! PTA PTA ちょっと黙ってろ PTA PTA PTA chotto damattero PTA PTA, PTA, shut up a minute, PTA! PTA PTA ギャーギャー騒ぐな PTA PTA PTA GYAA GYAA sawagu na PTA PTA, PTA, stop with your crying, PTA! PTA PTA ムキになんじゃない PTA PTA PTA MUKI ni nan janai PTA PTA, PTA, you've got no direction, PTA! PTA PTA ひっこんでろ PTA PTA PTA hikkondero PTA PTA, PTA, just go away, PTA! あれがダメだとか これがダメだとか Are ga DAME da toka kore ga DAME da toka So that's no good? So this is no good? よくまー考えつくもんだ Yoku maa kangaetsuku mon da Every little thing [bad word] up with あれもできないし これもできないし Are mo dekinai shi kore mo dekinai shi I can't do that, I can't do this, やるなと言われりゃ 余計にさ [bad word] to iwarerya yokei ni sa I have to say I won't just too many times! あれもやりたいし これもやりたいし Are mo yaritai shi kore mo yaritai shi I want to do that, I want to do this, 正々堂々やったるわ Seisei doudou [bad word] wa I want it to be fair and square 好きに歌わせろ 好きに笑わせろ Suki ni utawasero suki ni warawasero I'll sing how I like, I'll laugh how I like, 文句があんならかかってこい Monku ga annara kakatte koi And if you've got a problem, bring it on! とっととくたばれ PTA Tottoto kutabare PTA Hurry up and sod off, PTA!