In regards of love: 愛について~Agape~ (исполнитель: Oh! Skatetrack!!! YURI!!!)
Sic mea vita est temporaria, / Because my life is temporary, cupit ardenter caritatem aeternam. / it desires the eternal love. Credam, dabo, sperabo,/ I will belive, I will give, I will wait, Honorabo, laborabo, gratias agam! /I will honour, I will work, I will give thanks et denique aperiens fores occultas,/And at the end, opening doors hidden nobis, grandis et clara, nosque curabit/ to us, solemn and famous, it will take care of us nobis, grandis et clara ,nosque curabit /solemn and famous, it will take care of us magna, magna caritas, / The grand, grand Mercy. Ah! Audio vocem tuam! / I hear your voice. Adest mi libertas! / My freedom is imminent/near Mea vita amabit, / My life is going to love Caritatis pacem, / the peace of benevolence Hanc felicitatem aeternam esse oro. / I prey this is the eternal happiness.