Karpuura Gauram Karunna Avataaram (исполнитель: Siya Ke Ram)
कर्पूरगौरं करुणावतारम् |संसारसारं भुजगेन्द्रहारम् || सदा वसन्तं हृदयारविन्दे |भवं भवानि सहितं नमामि || Karpur Gauram : The one who is as pure/white as a camphor(karpur) [bad word] avataram : The personification [bad word] Sansara Saram : The one who is the essence of the world Bhujagendra haram: The one with the serpent king as his garland Sada vasantam : Always residing Hridaya arvinde: In the lotus-like heart (Explanation: Hridaya aravinde means 'in the heart that is (as pure as) lotus'. Lotus, though born in the muddy waters, is untouched by the mud around it. Similarly Lord Shiva always (Sada) resides (vasantham) in the hearts of beings which are not affected by worldly matters.) Bhavam Bhavani: Oh Lord and Goddess (Sati: wife of Shiva) Sahitam Namami: I bow to you both