Он научил меня петь йодль (исполнитель: СОФИЯ)
I went across to Switzerland where all the yodelers be. To try to learn to yodel with the yodel-laho-hoti-o I climbed a big high mountain on a clear and sunny day And there i met a yodeling guy in little swiss chalet. He taught me to yodel yodel-oh-ee-dee Diddly- odel-oh-ee-dee Diddly-odel-oh-ee-dee He taught me to yodel Yodel-oh-ee-dee-ay-dee Yodel-oh-ee-dee-oh-dee So now I wanna teach you All to yodel just like me Its easy when your singing To the yodel-diddly-oh-oh-dee First you take a deep breath Then exhale one, two, three And then you'll hear a yodel If you listen close to me Yeah, this is how you yodel. Yodel-oh-ee-dee Diddly-odel-oh-ee-dee Diddly-odel-oh-ee-dee This is how to yodel Yodel-oh-ee-dee Diddly-odel-oh-ee-dee Yodel-oh-dee He taught me to yodel Yodel-laho-heti e-tay eh ti ey Yodel-laho heti (2x) Yodel-eh yodel-oh oh-ti(3x)