Backing away from life (исполнитель: I Don't Want To Know Why The Caged Bird Sings)
I should like change into a sunflower most of all, they’re so tall and simple, what flower would you like to be? I don’t know one of these maybe Why do you say that? Because they’re all alike oh but they are not, look see. Some are smaller, some are fatter, some grow to the left, some to the right. Some even have lost some petals. All kinds of noticeable differences. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH The first time, was when I was at boarding school, in the chemistry lab, i was in there cleaning it up, so I decided to do an little experiment, sort all this stuff. I began mixing it up, very scientific, they’re was this massive explosion, knocked me down and blew out a huge hole in the floor there was boards and bricks and flames leaping up, i figured you know, time to leave. My carrer in school was over, so i went home, my mother was giving a party, so i just went up the backstairs into my room, turnt out the light and uhh got this funny feeling, the door closed, i went out to the banister, two police men came in, and they told her that i was killed in the fire, she put one hand out to her forehead, the other she reached out to her side and let out this long sigh. I decided back then, that enjoyed being dead. I understand a lot of people enjoy being dead, but they're not dead really, they're just backing away from life.